Friday, November 26, 2010

Thought I would share with you some funny pictures of my daughter Hailey. She is so full of life and loves it so. I have always called her my saving Grace...she is truly a gift from GOD. The name Hailey means HERO and she is truly mine. I wish I had her zest for life. The ability to see things so calmly.

Halloween 2010

Praise the LORD  for today……..

Thursday, November 25, 2010


And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Colossians 3:15

I have been listening to many people say what they are thankful for, so I have been giving it alot of thought and the one thing that hits me right in the heart is:  The Love of GOD...its unconditional, he is always there to listen to me.  I grew up without a dad, my mom remarried when I was 12 and I grew to love him as a father. My step dad has passed away and lately I have been wondering who my real father really was. I didn't have to look far, as the Lord is my father, my dad, my protector.  Thank you for all you do.

 Psalms 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

I am also so very thankful for the husband Scott that the Lord has provided me, he is so wonderful. For my three children Cory, Jennifer and Hailey and my three step children Steven, Sarah, and Ellie, for my beautiful granddaughter Brooklynn who broke her arm last week. For the awesome family I married into this past May, I am truly blessed. For my mother who without I would not be the person I am today, thanks mom for putting up with all of us, for never giving up when times got so bad.

My husband I at Texas Motor Speedway!!!!

My three children!!!!

My granddaughter Brooklynn!!!!

My step daughters Sarah and Ellie!!!!!

Praise the LORD  for today……..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brooklynn my little Boo.....

Grandchildren are such a joy no matter how far away they live.  Mine lives in Michigan and her Nana missing her bunches.  Last week she fell and broke her arm and had to have emergency surgery to put pins in her elbow that she shattered. She was such a little trooper.  I talked to her once she came out of the anesthesia and she says to me Nana its all better now they wrapped it up in paper, but it sure is heavy.  Thank you Lord for having your hands on those surgeons while performing the surgery. Poor thing has to wear this cast for two months.
right after surgery

when she got to go home

Praise the Lord for today

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am so Blessed!!!

This morning I woke up earlier than normal for a sunday.  My husband had all the horses dogs and the hog feed. My youngest daughter Hailey made me hot chocolate, which is my favorite for every cold morning.As I am sitting in bed sipping my hot chocolate my husband and two of our kids wonder off to feed the neighbors horses and cow. As I watched them walk off, I can not help but tear up for how my family is so kind and generous.  My girls could have slept another 2 hours before church but they choose to help out instead. Makes a mom really proud to know her kids have really good hearts.